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Since 2004 Stefano Ferrario has been holding a position of the First Concertmaster of the Haydn Orchestra in Bolzano/Bozen. He has been playing an active role as a conductor, leader and a soloist under batons of Daniele Giorgi, Leopold Hager, Alfonso Scarano, Philipp von Steinaecker, Stefano Ranzani, Marco Angius and Jeffrey Tate.
Stefano has toured extensively as a soloist and chamber music musician in various important venues worldwide, such as the Duke’s Hall in London, the Teatro Elfo Puccini in Milan, Riga’s National Academy Hall in Riga, the Palacio de Festivales in Santander, and many others.
He has collaborated with many renowned musicians, including Dora Schwarzberg, Salvatore Accardo, Bruno Giuranna and others.
As a principal concertmaster Stefano Ferrario collaborated with many distinguished orchestras, including Teatro La Scala, Bayerische Kammerphilharmonie, Schleswig-Holstein Musik festival Orchestra, Arpeggione Kammerorchester, Pomeriggi Musicali, and many other European symphony and opera houses orchestras.
Stefano is also one of the founders of the Colibrì Chamber Orchestra in Pescara, with whom he has collaborated as a soloist, concertmaster and a conductor.
His recordings have been released on Tokyo Camerata label and have been broadcasted on major radio stations worldwide. Mr. Ferrario is a distinguished pedagogue, giving private masterclasses and being involved in educational programs for Italian Universities under the patronage of Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano.
Stefano Ferrario is a graduate of Milan Conservatory, Stauffer Academy in Cremona, University of Freiburg and Vienna where he received the highest honors. His teachers to include Salvatore Accardo, Rainer Kussmaul and Dora Schwarzberg.
He also holds the diploma in Orchestra Conducting at the Music Academy of Pescara and Madrid Conservatory from studios of Donato Renzetti and George Pehlivanian.
He is artistic and music director of the Youth Symphony of South Tirol and has been leading orchestras and nsembles in Italy and abroad in symphonic, opera and contemporary music projects.